Hello Autumn! (in the meteorological sense only of course)
Just over a quarter of the year left and time to recoup, regather and push towards those goals. Nearly a year ago I decided to put my all into my writing career and I'd be lying if I didn't say I love it.
With the big kid off to school and just me and the little one during the day, I'm hoping to be able to dedicate more time to the cause and get a LOT of writing done. Here's the plan for September.
1. Gather BETA feedback & edit P2.
I've had some come through already, but once I've received the rest, I will collate and make my way through the comments to edit and hopefully make my draft even better.
2. Send P2 off to second round of BETA's
Once the editing is done, I'm hoping to send off again to some more BETA's to see if it's any better to the reader.
3. Finalise my query package
With all the agent research completed, I need to work on my pitch package. I will be drafting and redrafting so that it's perfect and hopefully lands me an Agent (fingers crossed)
4. Write half of P3
I definitely want to keep writing too so I will attempt to write half of P3, which is around 40k words.
It's a lot to take on and I will see what I can manage but having goals helps me stay on track and make progress. I won't list it as a goal but I'm going to try delving into Twitter as well and be more present on the app and try and make some more connections.
Let me know what your plans are for September, I'd love to hear.
S x