This month is going to be a little different. It's going to be a lot of adjusting, tweaking and changing expectations. I try to be as realistic as possible with my goals and always setting them slightly lower than what I think I can achieve to make sure I reach them.
This month is the unknown though, what with going back to work, having two kids on my days off and trying to cram the writing, the marketing and the release of my book it's all going to be a little crazy.
I also stupidly scheduled release day on a day I'm actually working, we'll see how that pans out!
1. Write 5,000 words of Project 2
Ideally I would love to be able to publish this book by the end of the year but I'm not sure how realistic that is at the moment. I will do what I preach about which is one step at a time and I will try and write 5,000 words this month. Anymore than that will be a bonus and I can think about release dates in the summer when I have a bit more of an idea of how quickly I can get this drafted out.
2. Final edits on One French Summer With You
Once the manuscript is back from the editor I will need to go through the notes and make any adjustments ready for release day.
3. Release One French Summer With You
This seems like an unsurmountable task at the moment, with the draft still with the editor I'm wondering if I will get everything done in time. I'd love to get a paperback copy released too but that will definitely take a little bit longer. Watch this space.
I'd love to know what you have planned for May, let me know below in the comments.