Nearly half way through the year and this month marks my sweet baby's first birthday!
Amongst the celebrations I will of course still be working towards my goals (because who even am I without goals and dreams?). So here's what the plan is for June:
Get this book out there
I am now desperate to get One French Summer (note the title change...) out in the world even if it kills me, so this month will probably be solely dedicated to getting the manuscript finished (and I mean really finished) and out there in the world for you all to read.
2. Read Save the Cat
When I'm not thinking about finished One French Summer, I'm day dreaming about project two. I got a copy of Save the Cat and I'm planning on reading through that and doing some of the exercises before I delve into editing my first draft (I don't plan on doing this until July for transparency).
And that's it. That's the plan.
I would like to read more this month so I'm going to jump into absorbing lots of other peoples work whilst I think about my own.
Let me know what your plans are?