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March Goals Review

It's now officially spring and I'm beyond excited for the nicer weather. I'm fed up of the colds, sniffles, rain and being stuck inside. I want to write in the garden and feel the sun warm my skin. It's not too much to ask right?

Let's see how I got on with my March goals.

1. Write 10,000 words of my Winter Novel

Pretty pleased to say that not only have a completed this but I also smashed it by totalling in at 17,500. It was so fun to dive into a new writing project when I haven't actually written anything for a good few years. I'm excited to tell you more about this over the coming months so stay tuned.

2. Edit Summer Release

With one week to spare I've completely Draft Six of One French Summer With You, which I wasn't one hundred percent confidant I could do! I'm still learning how long it takes me to do things with writing and editing so I'm delighted I managed to complete this goal. One more read through and I think we are there, eeek!

3. Marketing materials for Summer Release

I've made a good start on this too, I've got a bunch of reels ready and images to share with you, which is exciting and I can't wait to post them so you get to the see them too. I've also finalised the cover which you can see on my previous blog post, I'm so pleased with how it turned out.

I'm happy I've achieved my goals despite some up and downs in my personal life and I'm looking forward to a new month to set out some new goals and things to work towards.


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